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The Key Benefits Of Sash Window Secondary Double Glazing

Dec 3, 2024

5 min read




Secondary glazing and double glazing, while sounding similar, are two completely different types of window treatments. When it comes to historic properties and listed buildings, we commonly find sash windows, which need the right kind of window treatment to stay protected. Sash windows can be tricky to maintain and they have many downsides that make them an inefficient choice today. Our blog is here to dive into the best approach to protecting your sash windows with secondary glazing. We will explore what secondary glazing is, as well as how it can benefit your property. To learn more about secondary glazing for sash windows, keep on reading our article.

Secondary Glazing Vs Double Glazing?

Before we dive into our guide to secondary glazing, it's important to understand the difference between double glazing and secondary glazing or secondary double glazing.


Double glazed windows are commonly found on modern homes, created by fitting two sheets of glass together with a gap in between. The gap in between the sheets of glass acts as an insulating barrier which keeps the cold out and the heat in. When it comes to insulation and energy efficiency, double glazing is a popular choice for many homes.


For older properties, such as listed buildings or historic sites, due to the nature of the windows, double glazing may not be an effective solution. However, for older windows such as sash windows, secondary glazing offers the ideal solution. Unlike double glazing, which instals a new sealed window unit, secondary glazing simply adds a second pane of glass to the existing window frame.

How Is Secondary Double Glazing Beneficial?

There are many reasons why secondary double glazing is a worthy investment. Depending on your property type and your budget, secondary glazing can provide many benefits.


Soundproofing is one of the main benefits when it comes to secondary glazing, and secondary glazing units even outperform double glazing in this aspect. When secondary glazing is installed, as wide a gap as possible is created in between the glazed panels, which helps to reduce noise massively. Both pieces of glass act as independent noise barriers, which improves the noise reduction. If you have noisy neighbours or you like to have your music loud, then secondary glazing could be an effective solution for your property.

Thermal Insulation

When it comes to insulation, double glazing is a popular choice for a reason, however no two properties are the same. For older properties, double glazing may not be a possibility, however secondary glazing can still improve the thermal efficiency of your property. Secondary glazing can improve your thermal efficiency by up to 60%, but there are other enhancements you can have applied to your glass if you're looking to further reduce heat escaping.

Cost Effective

Secondary glazing is definitely a less expensive option in comparison to double glazing. Unlike double glazing, which requires a brand new unit to be put in, secondary glazing is simply adding an additional panel of glass, making a much more cost effective option for properties. For older properties this is very convenient, as replacing older, sash windows may not be possible or will be extremely expensive. 


Secondary glazing is a common and popular window treatment mainly on older properties such as listed buildings and historical structures. Sash windows were the most common type of window found on these buildings, and during restoration projects, replacing these windows may not be possible physically. Not only can it be difficult to replace these types of windows, maintaining the natural aesthetic of an older property is often vital to restoration projects. For maintaining the original style of your windows, secondary glazing is the perfect option.

Types Of Secondary Double Glazing

If you decide that you want to go down the secondary glazing route, there are several types of secondary double glazing to be aware of. Read below to understand more about the various types of secondary double glazing on the market.

uPVC Secondary Glazing

Permanent uPVC Secondary Glazing is one of the best solutions for properties. This option involves fitting an internal secondary window behind your single glazed window. The secondary panel will have its own uPVC frame which will be sealed around the edges for improved thermal efficiency. This is one of the most stable and reliable secondary glazing options and will require a professional installation.

Wooden Secondary Glazing

Wooden secondary double glazing refers to any secondary glazing treatment which uses wooden frames to hold the secondary panel in place. Wooden secondary glazing comes in a wide variety of styles and finishes, giving you the ability to customise your indoor frames to match your property aesthetic. Wooden glazing offers aesthetic benefits, but can be difficult to maintain, needing more upkeep and care than other styles.

Magnetic Secondary Glazing

Magnetic secondary glazing, as the name suggests, uses magnetic seals to attach the secondary window panel to your existing windows. The magnetic seals are stuck to both sets of windows before being clicked into place. They are easy to use and lightweight, however they may not offer the most reliable secondary glazing solution. The magnetic strips may need to be replaced relatively often which can be inconvenient.

Secondary Glazing Film

Secondary glazing film is another option for your windows, which involves a thin, transparent sheet of plastic being attached to your window. This sheet of plastic essentially mimics the double glazing effect. While this isn't as effective as proper secondary glazing, it can be a very quick and cost effective solution for those with a low budget or not a lot of time. The film is easy to install and a cheap option, however it will need replacing and is not a sturdy or reliable choice for your windows.

Temporary Secondary Glazing

While secondary glazing can definitely be a permanent solution, there are also options where you can have it installed temporarily. Temporary secondary glazing could then refer to any temporary solution that can be attached or removed from an existing window pane as and when needed. Temporary options such as this are relatively inexpensive and offer flexibility, but if you're after a more permanent solution, this is definitely not the glazing treatment you should choose for your windows.

Choosing The Right Secondary Glazing Company

No matter what kind of glazing you want to have applied to your windows, one of the key things to consider is the sash window company or glazing organisation that you choose. Some of the important things to consider when looking for a reputable glazing company include:


●     Experience & Expertise - Hiring experienced contractors can help your window fitting go as smoothly as possible. Your window specialists will be qualified and able to tackle even the trickiest of window fittings.

●     Certifications & Licences - During your research, don’t be afraid to check whether certain companies are certified and licensed to carry out window fittings and other treatments.

●     Insurance - You should also ensure that your window fitting service is insured, in case any damage occurs during the fitting, you will then not be responsible for covering these costs.

●     References & Reviews - References and reviews are a great way to evaluate a company and learn more about other client’s experiences. Reviews can give you clear perspectives on whether a company is trustworthy.

Searching For A Sash Window Company?

Secondary double glazing offers an excellent solution for homeowners and owners of historic properties. Whether you're looking to improve thermal insulation, energy efficiency or soundproofing, secondary double glazing can help, without compromising your property's original features. By adding a preservative layer to your windows, you can extend their lifespan without ruining the look of your property. For listed and heritage buildings, we understand the importance of preserving their aesthetics while helping them to meet modern performance standards.


Here at Sash Window Preservation, we are here to help you with all your sash window woes. Whether you need secondary glazing units or quality window replacements, our team is experienced and qualified to help. Get in touch with us for more information.

Dec 3, 2024

5 min read





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